Monday, April 30, 2007


First posted on Sept 9, 2005

Hey this is Kenny, today is Friday and I just got back from Hans and Frans a bakery that's like a 5-minute walk from the place we are staying. (And wish we were livivg there also) I don't have school today because I just got back from what they call project 6 which is like a 4 day field trip!!!!!! My arm is really sore from playing so much Cricket. what you've never heard of cricket!!! Well I'll tell you about it then. Cricket is the British version of baseball or maybe the other way around I'm not sure which one but one of them. Anyways there is a bowler, which is like a pitcher who will try to knock the wickets off of 3 poles sticking out of the ground by bouncing the ball off the ground before the batter from behind the other side of another set of wickets. There are also 2 batters, one at each set of wickets and to they'll try to hit the ball and score a run. You get 1 run for each time each batter get to the other set of wickets. To get an out you need to hit a wicket off the poles you need 3 outs to get your team up at bat. Cricket is a very, very high scoring game.

See Ya,

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