Monday, April 30, 2007

Everything I Needed to Learn About Life in Holland

Originally posted November 1, 2005

Everything I needed to learn about Holland I learned in the first 6 weeks.
(from Kathy's perspective)

Actually, I’ve still got a lot more to learn – but it sounded like a catchy title. What I have learned so far:

I have learned that bicycles rule, over cars and pedestrians, and probably even airplanes.

I have learned not to walk on the red bricks lest I get the little “ding” from a bicycle bell.

I have learned how to make guttural sounds when pronouncing the “g” sound.

I have learned that "Doorgand Verkeer" means "the way out", which is good to know when one is lost on the road.

I have learned that even people who have lived in Holland for 10 years get lost in Den Haag.

I have learned to always have an umbrella or raincoat with a hood handy.

I have learned the difference between pink strippenkarts and blue strippenkarts.

I have learned that it is safe in this country to allow my 12 year old son take city busses to and from school and ride his bike long distances in an urban setting.

I have learned that 19 and 21 year olds are much better at figuring out how to navigate busses, trains, and trams than 40 plus year olds.

I have learned to appreciate the memory of sufficient electrical outlets, and how to get along with extension cords and buzz bars instead.

I have learned that European homes have nicer bathtubs than United States homes, and that they help to soothe a stressful day.

I have learned that small cars are easier to wiggle around the streets with than mini-vans.

I have learned to say: “May I speak English?” anytime I enter a shop or make a local business phone call.

I have learned that alstublieft means “here you are”, “your welcome”, “have a good day”, “please” as well as other meanings that I am most likely not yet aware of.

I have learned to say things like: “I had a lovely time” and the “meal was very nice”.

I have learned that “basterd suiker” means brown sugar.

I have learned to take a food dictionary with me to the market.

I have learned to take lessons from my 3 children:

From Kari – I am learning what true servant hood means. Kari is serving her family each and every day; whether it is assembling furniture, figuring out how Kenny can take a bus to school and teaching he and I, offering moral support in the low times, pitching in with any project she can bite off and do around the house, riding her bike to the market for groceries, and always putting a good spin on things that go wrong.

From Kristi – I am learning what faith and trust in God is all about. She is an inspiration to me. Read her latest website entry and you’ll see what I mean.

From Kenny – I am learning what true courage looks like. I am amazed as I watch him starting a new school in a new country with a great attitude. I am amazed as he tackles city busses when it is 7:30 am, pitch dark, rainy, and cold. He amazed me as he boarded a tour bus with a few hundred other kids for a week long field trip after being in a new school for only 4 days. He amazed me just 2 days ago when he saddled his own bike (that was just assembled the day prior) and rode quite a distance along bike paths in a new country - all alone. He amazes me as he interacts with confidence with so many new adults as well as kids.

I have learned that God reaches down in very tangible ways over and over again, through his people. (Read more about this on a future web-posting).

What I have not yet learned is how to take all of this wrapped up together and let it sink deep into my soul. I am learning that it is a lot easier to talk of giving my life away and of following Jesus when I am in the home I love, surrounded by the familiar, residing in the country that I know how to navigate, and doing life with family and the friends I have grown to know and love over many years of time.

Most of all, I have learned that God is very good, and that He definitely answers prayer.

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